11月18日(土)~26日(日)展覧会「Landscape Architects as Changemakers 未来を変えるランドスケープ・アーキテクトたち」を開催

--- 開催概要 ---
タイトル:Landscape Architects as Changemakers「未来を変えるランドスケープ・アーキテクトたち」
時間:10:00~22:00 (最終入場時間 20:00)
会場:kudan house(東京都千代田区九段北1-15-9)
プロデューサー・キュレーター:Jillian Walliss /ジリアン・ウォリス、 Heike Rahmann /ハイケ・ラーマン
コラボレーター:金 紗蘭(きむ さらん)
協力:JLAU(ランドスケープアーキテクト連盟)、 東邦レオ株式会社
kudan houseの敷地全体に広がるこの展示会では、受賞歴を誇るデザイナーによる8つの作品を臨場感溢れる形で体験できます。オーディオビジュアルを駆使しながら、デザイナーへのインタビューや現地の映像、さらに図面を組み合わせることにより、これらのデザイナーが環境・経済・文化的な未来にいかに貢献しているのかを明らかにしています。

Landscape Architects as Changemakers
Landscape Architects as Changemakers, an exhibition on Japanese and Australian landscape architects, will be held at kudan house between November 18 and November 26, 2023.
This bi-lingual exhibition investigates the tactics and strategies used by Japanese and Australian landscape architects to implement innovative design outcomes that respond to the cultural and ecological specificity of their regions.
Spread throughout Tokyo's unique Kudan House, the exhibition offers an immersive experience of eight landscape projects by award-winning designers. Working with audio-visual media, the exhibition mixes designer interviews, site footage and drawings to reveal how these designers achieve outcomes that positively contribute to environmental, economic, and cultural futures.
Funded by the Australia-Japan Foundation, University of Melbourne and RMIT University, the exhibition draws on cross-cultural reflections to rethink the way that
Australian and Japanese landscape architecture is understood and presented. Conversations with a further twelve Australian and Japanese landscape architects explore critical issues facing practice including questions of professional and cultural identity, the design possibilities of working outside the city and the role of global connections.
The opening event will be held on November 18, and the panel discussion event with Australian and Japanese landscape architects will be held on November 26 (free events, ticket registration essential).
The exhibition is free, however, ticket reservation is required.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the exhibition.
This exhibition has been generously supported by Toho Leo Co. and the Japan Landscape Architects Union.
Exhibition details:
Date: 18th - 26th November
Opening hours: 10:00-22:00
Venue: kudan house (1 Chome-15-9 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0073)
Entry: free (ticket registration essential)
Ticketing webpage:https:// laxchangemakers-tokyo.peatix.com
Exhibition Opening Night:
Opening night speakers will feature:
Tatsuya Hiraga (Director, Landscape Plus)
Kirsten Bauer (Director, ASPECT Studios, Melbourne)
Professor Alan Pert (Deputy Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne)
Date: 18th November
Opening hours: 16:00-20:00
Venue: kudan house (1 Chome-15-9 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0073)
Entry: free (ticket registration essential)
Panel Discussion / Talk Session:
Australia and Japan are countries where landscape qualities are celebrated and revered. Yet this does not mean that practising landscape architecture is always smooth sailing. Join us for a conversation about what it means to be a contemporary landscape architect in Japan and Australia. What can we learn from each other? What qualities of practice emerge from our very different cultural, economic and ecological contexts?
Jane Irwin (Jane Irwin Landscape Architecture)
Kirsten Bauer (ASPECT Studio)
Toru Mitani (studio-on-site)
Hiroki Hasegawa (studio-on-site)
Tatsuya Hiraga, (Landscape Plus)
Eiko Tomura (Eiko Tomura Landscape Architects)
Kiyohito Tamotsu (Losfee)
Along with Yusuke Nakashima and Saran Kim
Date: 26th November
Opening hours: 14:00-17:00
Venue: kudan house (1 Chome-15-9 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0073)
Entry: free (ticket registration essential)
kudan house (1 Chome-15-9 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0073)
Built in 1927 by Tachu Naito, Shichiro Kigo and Kenji Imai, heritage-listed kudan house is a corporate members-only business innovation hub, utilised as a venue for business salons targeted at the next generation of business leaders, corporate members’ professional development training, and remote meetings. (Not publicly accessible. Inquire to arrange a visit or use)